Studies in human malaria; the ineffectiveness of colchicine (SN 12,080) SN 7266 and SN 8557 as curative agents against St. Elizabeth strain vivax malaria.

01 May 1949

Among the compounds tested in volunteers infected with experimental vivax malaria at the United States Penitentiary, were colchicine (also known as SN 12,080), SN 7266, the ethyl-ester of p-guanyl benzoic acid; and SN 8557, a derivative of 1,4 naphtoquinone. All three were tested for their ability to prevent relapse when given subsequent to quinine sulfate during late attacks of malaria caused by the St. Elizabeth strain of Plasmodium vivax. Since they were tested in small parallel series of cases, they can advantageously be reported together despite their lack of chemical relationship.

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