Event Highlights from the 2022 International Conference on Plasmodium vivax Research (ICPvR)

11 Apr 2022

The 8th International Conference on Plasmodium vivax Research (ICPvR) 2022

Poster advertising the conference

The 2022 International Conference on Plasmodium vivax Research (ICPvR) was held in April this year. The conference chairs with the support of the international advisory committee as well as the local organising committee, created an exciting and packed programme ranging from sessions on the global burden and epidemiology of vivax malaria, to recent advances in the understanding of vivax pathology and pathogenesis, new understandings of vivax biology, vaccine development, progress in improving treatment options as well as transmission studies, new advances in diagnostics and genomic epidemiology.  

The scope of this year's programme expanded to reflect the growing vivax research and implementation community. Themes ranged from implementation, access and policy, to the biological discovery focused fields. This was also the first time this conference was held as a virtual event. This allowed for broader participation of researchers from endemic countries as well as students and early career researchers, for whom the high cost of the conference and travel might have been prohibitive in previous years. Overall, there were nearly 400 participants registered and more importantly more than 150 delegates attended each of the sessions live.

Summaries for each of the session were compiled by MESA correspondents.

Drawnalism created great images to accompany the keynote speeches as well as illustrating the winning presentations of students and early career researchers. 

A highlight of the conference was a panel discussion focussed on how global agencies are working to support the implementation of evidence-based strategies to reduce the global burden of P. vivax malaria.  A recording is available here.

Recordings of all sessions are available to registered participants at the conference website.